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This information is intended for healthcare professionals based in the UK. If you are not a healthcare professional in the UK, click here. For more information on Vydura ▼(rimegepant), please visit
A promotional initiative developed and funded by Pfizer Ltd
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Welcome to Migraine Dialogues TV
MigraineDialogues TV is a promotional medical education programme – developed and funded by Pfizer Ltd– intended to support excellence in clinical practice among healthcare professionals involved in the diagnosis, treatment and management of migraine.
Exploring the changing landscape of migraine management - view all episodes within this season to unlock the Knowledge Check and earn your CPD certificate
Want to find out more about Vydura® (rimegepant)? Visit our PfizerPro website for information on dosing, efficacy and safety, plus downloadable materials for you and your patients.
PfizerPro is for UK healthcare professionals only and contains promotional information on Pfizer medicines.
Stay abreast of advances in migraine care as international experts share their insights on clinical practice and up-to-date research. Don’t forget to complete the knowledge check and collect your CPD points.
COMING SOON: Prefer to listen? Why not check out our podcast seasons to hear updates in migraine care.
Please click here to access the VYDURA Great Britain Summary of Product Characteristics.
Please click here to access the VYDURA Northern Ireland Summary of Product Characteristics.